Access and loading routes
Changes to the access, loading and traffic arrangements affecting Cable Factory tenants and visitors will be updated here.
Pedestrians and cyclists
The construction site of Dance House Helsinki covers large part of the Cable Factory inner courtyard, which will be covered to create the new lobby.
Covered pathway leading to the Cable Factory courtyard was removed and there is no pedestrian or bicycle access from this direction until construction is completed. Pedestrians and cyclists are directed to the gateway on Tallberginkatu or the entrance of the restaurant Hima & Sali (entrance K on the map) on Tammasaarenlaituri.
Staircases A and E are currently inside the construction site. Access to staircase A goes via staircase B and its 2nd floor. You can avoid going through the inner courtyard by entering the building from Tallberginkatu and going via A / B / C loading dock and further via Valssaamo lobby to the 2nd floor of the staircase B from where you can access staircase A. The electric lock on the loading dock is open Mon-Fri at 7 am–6 pm.
Access to staircase E goes through staircase D or the D / E / F loading dock on Tammasaarenkatu. During the times when the front doors are open, you can reach staircase E through staircase D’s 3rd, 4th and 5th floor. The electric lock on the loading dock is open Mon-Fri at 6.10am-9pm and Sat-Sun at 8am-9pm. At other times, tenants use their stair keys for electric locks and mid-doors.
Disabled access to the inner courtyard of Cable Factory is possible through the gateway. Please note the two speed bumps at the gateway. It is possible to go round them by wheelchair. Wheelchair accessible taxis can drive to the inner courtyard through the gateway.
Disabled access to the Cable Factory museums is possible from Tammasaarenkatu (entrance G on the map). There is a ramp at the main entrance of the museums (inclination approx. 9 %). Taxis for the disabled can stop and leave their clients on the museum corner from where they can move on, for example with a wheelchair.
Please note: City of Helsinki has started its street square works in front of the museum end. The work ends in December 2021).

Download pedestrian and bike paths (pdf)
Motor vehicle traffic
When construction began in October 2019, all motor vehicle traffic were moved to the outer rim of the Cable Factory. The streets surrounding the Cable Factory (Tammasaarenkatu, Tammasaarenlaituri and Tallberginkatu) remain open to traffic throughout the construction phase.
Passenger cars, taxis, vans and small lorries (max. height 4.5 metres, max. width 4 metres) may be driven into the courtyard through the gateway. Large trucks with trailers may not enter the inner yard.
When the construction site expanded, a gate to the site was opened to the end facing the inner courtyard, which mean some more heavy traffic to the inner courtyard. We recommend avoiding driving to the inner courtyard whenever possible.
Parents dropping off their children for leisure activities etc. are requested to use the area around the gateway on Tallberginkatu as a drop-off and pick-up zone.
The gateway is the Cable Factory’s emergency exit.
Loading routes
Loading routes for Cable Factory tenants:
The D / E / F loading dock on Tammasaarenkatu serves the entire building via the basement and floors 3, 4 and 5. This is the shortest loading route for tenants in staircases D, E and F. This loading dock is suitable for large trucks. The electric lock on the loading dock is open Mon-Fri at 6.10am-9pm and Sat-Sun at 8am-9pm.
The C / D freight lift, at the western end of Tammasaarenkatu, provides access to basement C. The freight lift serves the entire building via the basement. The large freight lift in C block, which provides access to the top floors, is accessed via the basement. This is the shortest loading route for tenants in staircases C and D. This loading route is suitable for large trucks.
The A / B / C loading dock near the gateway on Tallberginkatu provides access to the B freight lift and to the entire building. This loading dock is only recommended for large trucks as the loading route goes through the lobby of the Valssaamo event space. Other vehicles are requested to use the B block lift via the courtyard. The loading dock serves tenants in staircases A, B and C. The electric lock on the loading dock is open Mon-Fri at 7 am–6 pm.
The hall in Valssaamo serves as a foyer before and during Zodiak’s performances. It’s good to reduce traffic through the lobby one hour prior to performances.
Passenger and freight lifts are also in use at the entrances. When transporting goods via the courtyard, please note the two speed bumps at the gateway. They will remain in place to ensure safety.
Loading routes for Cable Factory's event customers:
The main loading docks for Merikaapelihalli event space are the M5 ramp on Tammasaarenkatu and the M1 ramp on Tammasaarenlaituri.
The Puristamo loading dock on Tallberginkatu will serve users of the Puristamo event space.

Construction site traffic routes
The traffic to and from the construction site passes through the construction gates sites facing Itämerenkatu and Länsisatamankatu as well as the inner courtyard. The courtyard gate mean some more heavy traffic to the courtyard.
Download construction site traffic routes (pdf)
The parking spaces in the Cable Factory's courtyard are no longer in use. The two parking spaces for the disabled in the inner courtyard remain in use during the construction project, as will bicycle racks. The maintenance parking spaces (2) in the courtyard are converted into loading parking spaces. Parking is allowed for a maximum of 15 minutes to deliver or collect goods. Parking in front of the stair doors should be avoided. Read more about parking at the Cable Factory.