
Cable Factory's main entrance and lobby Glass courtyard is accessible, and from there you get to the Cable Factory’s inner courtyard. There are no automatic doors in the building, except in the Glass Courtyard Kaapeliaukio side.

The ramp of Baana starting from the Glass Courtyard does not meet the official slope angle for wheelchair accessibility (12 %). The door at the end of the ramp does not have automatic opening. We recommend a companion for wheelchair users to access the Baana ramp and doors (three corridor doors and the lavatory door).

You can borrow a wheelchair at the info point in the Glass Courtyard.

Disabled access to the inner courtyard of Cable Factory is also possible through the gateway in Tallberginkatu. Please note the two speed bumps at the gateway. It is possible to go round them by wheelchair. Wheelchair accessible taxis can drive to the inner courtyard through the gateway.

There is a ramp from the gateway to Cable Factory’s Kahvibaari.

There is a ramp (incline approx. 12 %) at the C-lobby entrance providing access to C-lobby, restaurant Hima & Sali, Merikaapelihalli, Puristamo and staircase C.

There is accessible entry to Valssaamo using the elevator in staircase B.

From the inner courtyard, you can get to all the floors and event spaces in the building using the elevators.

There is accessible route to the Cable Factory’s museums e.g. for wheelchairs, rollators or prams from the Tammasaarenkatu side (Entrance G on the map). There is a ramp at the entrance to the museums (incline approx. 9 %). For accompanied parking, you can stop and park on Tammasaarenkatu. Invalid taxis can also stop and drop off passengers at the museum corner.

There are two disabled parking spaces marked with a wheelchair sign in Cable Factory's inner court yard.

Cable Factory is not thresholdless as building regulations require thresholds. Cable Factory has installed ramps to facilitate access, or the thresholds are a couple of centimetres high.

Please note that Cable Factory is an old building. Modern accessibility requirements were not factored into its construction. On the other hand, the corridors in the building, which were designed for industrial use, are wide.

Refurbishment work is being carried out continually, and there may be dust in the air. The building has mechanical ventilation.

Cable Factory has eight accessible lavatories:
Baana: basement
Staircase A: Cable Factory's Kahvibaari 1st and 2nd floor / 3rd floor
Staircase B: 1st floor
Staircase C: 1st floor / 3rd floor
Staircase D: basement (next to meeting rooms). 

Cable Factory tenants and event producers are responsible for accessibility and entrance routes concerning their own events.
